

Tip face office politics

day yesterday my friend came to my house and there was little debate around issues of work place. really interesting, he was not very developed there because of the attitudes of discrimination (according to him) but from her story, I found a few things he had done to deal with office politics that he can not avoid. even all have offices (I think).

like the article I have ever read from Loeb marshall marketing expert from The Wall Street Journal, here is what I say in the face of office politics and peer support principles, without selling it to my friends.

Know the culture in your workplace by asking key questions, such as the values that apply, how decisions are taken and how far the company tolerate a risk.

Master the art of self-effacing through various accomplishments or your conversations in a career without seeming arrogant.

Establish relationships
Do not get too attached to certain groups at the office. Crossed to the other groups is an effective strategy to ensure continuity office success.

Develop a communication style asertid and persuasive. Use facts and examples of a solid case to reach the attention of peers and superiors of creative ideas you.

from all points above, persuasive is a word that I liked best. believe it or not, being persuasive is the most powerful weapon. how to do it! The next post I will discuss, how persuasive attitude can boost your career.
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Not your business Dairy Cattle

Have you ever seen a street vendor or chicken noodle that long ago until now still selling the same cart? That's because they make their business as a dairy cow. To have your business do not like them, maybe this is what you can do.

1.Don't use all profits for other purposes that have nothing to do with your business, such as building a luxury home, buying a new car, clubbing or spent to satisfy your hobby shop.

2.Investasikan profits to expand business. Should, artisans like the example above satai aside satai profit selling to buy a second wagon, third and even opened a restaurant, until he was biased to be a businessman.

3.If your business already begun to develop, implement good accounting system. Running a business without the books, is like driving a vehicle without the control panel. Very risky and berbahasaya, right?

4.With knows the business cash flow, you see the bias when to brake or accelerate the rate of business development.

some of my friends, said the steps above are appropriate steps to develop the business, but there are not too agree. they said it all depends on conditions, but for me the above steps can be done in all conditions, so it all depends on your willingness. measure how good your willingness to go forward is not limited to the words, but actions. always prioritize your interests is the key to the success of this pembahansan time. good thinking.
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7 attitude career booster

Not all adults have a mature attitude. In fact, maturity and the maturity that is necessary when dealing with superiors, subordinates, colleagues, relations or even with your own work. You already have the talent, ability and a good opportunity in a career. Why not support it with a positive attitude helps memulluskan biased toward the top of a career path?
The following 7-biased behavior possitif plus you add value, not only in the eyes of superiors. But the days of subordinates and colleagues.

Concrete steps
Make your dreams come true. Dream bias used as a starting point for pursuing your goals. So, as a first step, determine what you want to accomplish in the world of work and make a personal commitment. Establish programs Perla you do to pursue the dream. Do not forget to set targets. For example, in the period ahead 3tahun you must reach the manager's position.
However, do not just stop there. Perform the steps concrete. Well to Berkerjalah biased meet company quality standards. If your dream is to sit diposisi managerial, try looking for the opportunity, without appearing too ambitious. If you feel you have a higher quality than in a co-worker, do not hesitate to face the boss and get promoted.
Focus On Goals
The task is still piling up when dating a number of new tasks. That's, common in the world of work. Complaining and complaining will not continue to make your job less. Meanwhile, every day of work will increase. It is better if you to categorize jobs by weight or lightness of the task. Susulah list of all your tasks in a certain period, such duties during the week. Do not forget to notice the deadline. Define what you should do today. Determine the scale of priorities, what work should take precedence. If you are not biased to decide priorities, do not hesitate to ask the opinion of superiors.
As far as possible, do your job one by one so that concentration is not broken. There is a good idea if you do not do three or four reports at once. If you have completed one jobs, continue with another job. Do not steal time off for too long because eventually you will be reluctant to complete the next task. It's okay to choose easy tasks first, but you still do not bias lebas of these tasks.

Do not Doubt For Science
Compete with fellow actually work together fine. But there are way more fun than the mutual Trip. Show healthy competition with co-workers by showing mutual achievement. It would be nice if you also have a relationship of good cooperation with colleagues. By working together, employers will see the cohesiveness of the team expected the company. This will add value to your plus. If you and your colleagues are equally biased getting prosmosi, why not!
Do not hesitate member assistance to colleagues you or share your knowledge. No need to calculate profit and lose. It could be a time you appointed as manager and had to charge the people used to be a co-worker in the same level. If you are always ready to help them, they will be similar to you.

Control Emotions
When faced with sters at home, maybe your emotional state office to be less stable. Small errors of bias makes your emotions exploded. Able to control emotions a person shows maturity.
No bias is undeniable that one's personal life affect performance. If that happens, he could not longer biased biased and focused his energy on office duties. Working atmosphere one timpun so uncomfortable because you are not biased then invited to work together. Not a boss who said that many employees are not biased to limit their personal lives. Jad, tunukkan your professionalism. Do not bring personal problems into the study. Once you enter the office on Sunday morning, until time to go home. You are an employee. As an employee, you are required to contribute to the company as much as possible and devote full attention to the office duties.

Learning From Mistakes
There are times when an employee is not biased to avoid mistakes. You not only have to learn from the mistakes themselves, but also from the mistakes of others. If you do that might bias negligence against the company, responsible answer to the mistake. Do not pass the blame to the co-workers or subordinates. Try to find a variety of alternative solutions as soon as possible.
Likewise, if your position now as a leader. Be a problem-solving for your subordinates. Although the error was not your fault, you should contribute to solve the problem. The identification of a problem quickly and do together brainsromong men to find a solution. Discuss positive and negative values for each alternative. Do not forget, let's men solution ideas. Maybe he has a better idea. With the member the opportunity to participate in solving problems, komitmenya of work will also be greater.

Early Step System
Any employer would love to have the men who have high initiative and beride brilliant. If you feel there is an opportunity for a challenging task, it could not hurt your self mengajukkan to superiors to do it. Likewise if you have an interesting idea. Do not hesitate to step menepatkan themselves early. This shows that you are an active employee and creative. Do not sit and wait for dating in your job.
Perhaps, all employees who mengingikan boss could see a thing from a new perspective or be able to spawn new strategies. This is your chance to show our potential. Do not be satisfied with being an employee of mediocrity. You can also become a special employee.

Add Science Every Time
There was never too late to learn. Whatever field you choose work. You always have the opportunity to learn. Of networking, for example, not everyone is lucky to have the opportunity to meet important clients or contacts. Some jobs do not allow you to exit the office and establish networking. But that does not mean you have no chance at all to learn more. Just Take a job as a secretary, who spent most of his time at the office. But, a secretary can also make more rapid progress in his career by taking public relations courses.
Maybe your office does not provide training or workshops that are biased to enrich science or sharpen skills ana. Do not wait too long. Take a variety of seminars or talk show to see opportunities more observant. Read books about his career so you have a tactical guide to face various challenges in the world of work. But, you also need good talent to sharpen your existing strengths do not let one become paralyzed because you never used.

once you learn the mindset above, in the next post I will show you how to win a life loser sorang only with self-confidence with many weaknesses.
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starting a business is not as easy as we think about business first requires funds that are not quite a bit. we must think about the financial aspects and marketing. clothing business is never dead, because they are always in high demand every era. no matter the circumstances of this business remains as peanuts crowded. a few tips to start a clothing business that I can get from a small discussion with my college friends, when engaged unfocused chatter disebuah canteen.

1.Think simple
The dream may be as high as the sky, but more important is to realize the dream. Do not just intentions alone. Do not get discouraged if you are only able to do small steps, for example, only made 2 designs and receive orders in advance neighbors.

2.Have characteristic
Develop your creativity and always see the opportunities flair. Be a pioneer. Avoid me-too designs results even copying others. Your product must have a bias typical cirri attract customers for the loyal and proud to mengenakkanya. Although making or selling a unique Muslim fashion, there you are diligently listening baikny fashion trends, so you stay cool collection. If you choose to sell clothes so, select the model is not the market.

3.Make mature business plan
Decide whether you will make or sell clothes so. If you make a calculated cost of production. Whatever your choice, formulating marketing techniques, production and cash flow. Determine the source of funds will be used and always separated between private money to finance companies. When will apply to bank loans, compare credit interest among several banks and choose who has high credibility.

4.use all the way promotion
Always looking for opportunities and be resourceful, especially if you do not immediately have a boutique or shop. Your own bias wearing your merchandise as promote the office, attending social gathering or meeting the parents. In addition, to maximize efforts to find a new network to expand markets and develop business. Join the bazaar or foundation in the field of handicrafts and clothing can also bring substantial benefits to business continuity.

if necessary, you can create a simple catalog to expand and simultaneously increase your sales. always innovative and always thinking pikiraan plant I CAN then believe you can do it. I hope my suggestions can help you and I'll see you in postingku berikutya.
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