
Not your business Dairy Cattle

Have you ever seen a street vendor or chicken noodle that long ago until now still selling the same cart? That's because they make their business as a dairy cow. To have your business do not like them, maybe this is what you can do.

1.Don't use all profits for other purposes that have nothing to do with your business, such as building a luxury home, buying a new car, clubbing or spent to satisfy your hobby shop.

2.Investasikan profits to expand business. Should, artisans like the example above satai aside satai profit selling to buy a second wagon, third and even opened a restaurant, until he was biased to be a businessman.

3.If your business already begun to develop, implement good accounting system. Running a business without the books, is like driving a vehicle without the control panel. Very risky and berbahasaya, right?

4.With knows the business cash flow, you see the bias when to brake or accelerate the rate of business development.

some of my friends, said the steps above are appropriate steps to develop the business, but there are not too agree. they said it all depends on conditions, but for me the above steps can be done in all conditions, so it all depends on your willingness. measure how good your willingness to go forward is not limited to the words, but actions. always prioritize your interests is the key to the success of this pembahansan time. good thinking.


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