

starting a business is not as easy as we think about business first requires funds that are not quite a bit. we must think about the financial aspects and marketing. clothing business is never dead, because they are always in high demand every era. no matter the circumstances of this business remains as peanuts crowded. a few tips to start a clothing business that I can get from a small discussion with my college friends, when engaged unfocused chatter disebuah canteen.

1.Think simple
The dream may be as high as the sky, but more important is to realize the dream. Do not just intentions alone. Do not get discouraged if you are only able to do small steps, for example, only made 2 designs and receive orders in advance neighbors.

2.Have characteristic
Develop your creativity and always see the opportunities flair. Be a pioneer. Avoid me-too designs results even copying others. Your product must have a bias typical cirri attract customers for the loyal and proud to mengenakkanya. Although making or selling a unique Muslim fashion, there you are diligently listening baikny fashion trends, so you stay cool collection. If you choose to sell clothes so, select the model is not the market.

3.Make mature business plan
Decide whether you will make or sell clothes so. If you make a calculated cost of production. Whatever your choice, formulating marketing techniques, production and cash flow. Determine the source of funds will be used and always separated between private money to finance companies. When will apply to bank loans, compare credit interest among several banks and choose who has high credibility.

4.use all the way promotion
Always looking for opportunities and be resourceful, especially if you do not immediately have a boutique or shop. Your own bias wearing your merchandise as promote the office, attending social gathering or meeting the parents. In addition, to maximize efforts to find a new network to expand markets and develop business. Join the bazaar or foundation in the field of handicrafts and clothing can also bring substantial benefits to business continuity.

if necessary, you can create a simple catalog to expand and simultaneously increase your sales. always innovative and always thinking pikiraan plant I CAN then believe you can do it. I hope my suggestions can help you and I'll see you in postingku berikutya.


maybe said...

I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^

yupie's day care said...

thanks for your support...^.^

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